
一、中翻英:(10 分)延長線常是造成電器火災的原因。只有在必要且臨時狀況下,才使用延長線。使用 延長線,應確保不會輕易被扯開。如果有過熱情形,延長線必須進行更換。
Extension cords are often the cause of electrical fires. Only when it is a necessary and temporary condition can you use an extension cord. When you use it, you should make sure that it can’t be torn apart easily. If it overheats, the extension cord must be replaced.
二、英文作文:(15 分) 每年夏、秋兩季為臺灣溺水事故發生最頻繁之季節,請闡述內政部消防署應如何推 動各項防溺宣導及警戒工作,期能降低溺水事故發生率。
Every summer and autumn, we sometimes hear some news reports that some people drown either at the beach or in the creeks. Most of the deceased victims are youngsters, which makes us ponder how much effort the government officials made to discourage the youngsters from swimming and frolicking. As the temperatures get higher and higher, more tragedies of drowning would probably happen after the youngster feel like to cool themselves in water. Therefore, it becomes necessary for governments to promote more warnings to the public.
For the National Fire Agency, to reduce more tragedies of drowning, here are some tips they may adopt to warn people: The first is to heed the weather forecast. If it gets cloudy, an upcoming rain would make rivers surge, making any water activities dangerous. The second is to check if there are some life-saving appliance in the aquatic locations, such as a life buoy and life-savers who stand by. The third is to warm up before they wade.
If the afore-mentioned measures are collected and written in books or manuals to be issued to people, a strong awareness of security would be established in their minds. By following some techniques of rescuing victims and practicing CPR steps, the rate of accidents would be lowered. If the relevant concepts become deep-rooted in people’s minds, they would know how to tackle any critical circumstances instead of being at a loss.
41. As early as 1735, Englishman Obadiah Wild secured a flame retardant technology patent for ____(D)____ combustible substances from flaming.
(A)preserving (B)predicting (C)pretending (D)preventing
在早期的1735年,能延緩火焰燃燒的專利,已由Englishman Obadiah Wild 守護,可_______可燃性物質燃燒。
(A)保存 (B)預測 (C)假裝 (D)預防
42. Firefighters are instructed to take the stairs when possible and take ____(C)____ in elevators, including inspecting open shafts for smoke and stopping at least two floors below the fire to walk the rest of the way.
(A)precedence (B)presumptions (C)precautions (D)preparation
(A)優先 (B)預想 (C)預防措施 (D)準備
43. There are two types of heat detectors. One type senses a fixed temperature that is considered to be indicative of a fire. The other senses ____(B)____.
(A)products of combustion (B)a rate of rise in temperature
(C)the decrease of an ionized current (D)monochromatic light beams
(A)燃燒的生成物 (B)升溫速度 (C)游離電流 (D)單色光線
44. Most deaths resulting from fires do not result from burns. Nearly two thirds of all fire-related deaths result from ____(A)___of carbon monoxide, smoke or toxic gases, and asphyxiation.
(A)inhalation (B)ingredients (C)deficiencies (D)detoxication
(A)吸入 (B)成分 (C)缺陷 (D)排毒
45. What type of fires, which produce significant yields of CO, can lead to incapacitation in roughly 1 to 2 hours in typical dwelling spaces? (A)
(A)Smoldering (B)Premixed (C)Diffusion (D)Torch
(A)悶燒,悶燃 (B)預混合料 (C)(煙霧)擴散 (D)火炬
46. Just before World War I, a new agent, methyl bromide, was introduced in Europe for fire suppression purposes. This agent was extremely effective and outperformed CO2 on both flammable liquids and, because of its poor conductivity, ____(C)___fires.
(A)pool (B)water reactive (C)electrical (D)reactive metal
(A)水池 (B)對水產生反應的(C)電(器)的 (D)有反應的金屬
47. Although production of Halon 1301 and Halon 1211 was discontinued in 1994, ____(B)___ systems and extinguishers were permitted to remain in service until suitable replacement agents were available.
(A)substitute (B)existing (C)alternative (D)complement
雖然過了1994年後,海龍 1301(滅火器)和海龍1211(滅火器)便停產,但直至合適的藥劑可供人使用前,曾一度獲准________的系統和滅火器繼續使用。
(A)替代物 (B)現行的 (C)可替代的 (D)補充物
48. Hydraulic-powered tools such as hydraulic cutters and spreaders are usually used in vehicle ____(D)____, but can also be used in some forcible entry situations.
(A)strands (B)repairs (C)stagnation (D)extrication
(A)擱淺 (B)修復 (C)停滯 (D)救援
49. A mouth-to-mask ventilation device consists of a mask that fits over the victim’s face, a one-way valve, and a mouthpiece through which the rescuer breathes. Because mouth-to-mask devices prevent direct contact with the victim, they reduce the risk of _____(B)_____.
(A)foreign body airway obstructions (B)transmitting infectious diseases
(C)gastric distention (D)cardiac arrests
(C) 胃部膨脹
(D) 心肺脈搏停止
50. A charred V-pattern on a wall indicates that fire spread up and out from something at the base of the V, while an inverted V-pattern on a wall could indicate that a flammable liquid was used along the base of the wall to set the fire intentionally. A fire burning across a wide area at the floor level can funnel into a thermal column as it _____(D)____, creating the inverted-V pattern.
(A)filters (B)snuffs (C)exposes (D)rises
(A)過濾 (B)嗅 (C)暴露 (D)上升
51. Secondary contamination occurs when a person or object transfers the contamination or the source of contamination to another person or object by ____(D)___. In such cases, fire fighters may become contaminated and if they subsequently handle tools and equipment, and touch door handles or other responders, they will spread the contamination.
(A)water spray (B)chemical reaction (C)airborne infections (D)direct contact
(A)噴水 (B)化學反應 (C)空中感染 (D)直接接觸
52. Which of the following products, according to Article 11 of the Fire Services Act, is allowed to be used in any building of eleven floors or taller without a flame-proof label attached? (A)
(A)Sofa (B)Drape (C)Carpet (D)Billboard
(A)沙發 (B)布簾 (C)地毯 (D)看板
In an earlier report published in Fire Findings we discussed results from testing performed on certain reflective radiant barrier laminated sheet material, which is purchased in rolls. This is the material commonly 53____(A)____ on attic floors (above the insulation) to provide an effective thermally reflective barrier above the ceiling of a building. That testing demonstrated 54____(B)_____ that, if electrically energized by incidental contact with a powered conductor in a standard branch circuit, this material would arc and 55____(D)_____ rather violently and would frequently catch fire and sustain flame. Clearly, this could 56____(C)_____ other nearby more flammable materials, and thus initiate a major structure fire.
53. (A)installed (B)introduced (C)inscribed (D)instilled
54. (A)conceitedly (B)conclusively (C)conceivably (D)conceptually
55. (A)spew (B)split (C)sprint (D)spark
56. (A)incur (B)inflate (C)ignite (D)ignore
53. (A)安裝 (B)介紹,引進 (C)刻下文字 (D)蒸餾
54. (A)自滿的 (B)不容置疑地 (C)可想到的 (D)概念的
55. (A)嘔吐 (B)切開 (C)極速奔跑 (D)引起火花
56. (A)招致 (B)膨脹 (C)點燃 (D)無視
The remote firefighting apparatus of this invention provides a firefighting vehicle which can be transported to the general location of a fire, connected to a water supply hose, and 57___(A)____ by remote or self-contained control to the actual fire, and there to dispense water from the supply hose through a 58____(B)____ and onto the fire. The apparatus is preferably driven by a pair of independent, continuous tracks, thereby enabling superior turning and climbing ability. The apparatus may include a video monitor to 59____(A)____ real-time images to the operator. The nozzle and monitor are preferably mounted in a vertically rotatable turret portion on top of the vehicle, enabling water 60____(D)_____from 0° (ground level) to approximately 120° (past vertical) or more, including a 90° (vertical) “self-protection” position which saturates the apparatus itself with water.
人們發明了遠距消防器具後,除了能使得消防車輛可前往火災現場,和補給水源的水龍帶連接起來,藉著遠端技術或者本身就有的 57._______進行實際火災救援,還能透過58._______,從供水管另一處取得水源,使得消防員能衝進火災場地。要運用這類器材設備,最好是駕駛兩條且不間斷的獨立路線,從而使得優越自轉能力和供人員攀爬能力變得有可能。這類器材可能包含熒幕攝像頭,能夠59.________實際影像至另一端的操作員那兒。水龍帶的噴嘴和電子顯像設備,最好是可爬升至轉檯上,且轉檯一部分放置在車輛頂端。如此一來不管是從0度(地面角度)還是約120度(剛經過垂直角度),或者能調至更多角度,包含90度(垂直角),也就是能使得整套器材濕透的“自我防護”位置,水都能60._______來。
57. (A) 演習,調動 (B) 授權 (C)按摩 (D)製造
58. (A)標準 (B)噴嘴 (C)遊牧民族 (D)提名人選
59. (A)傳輸 (B)運輸 (C)交易 (D)橫切
60. (A)消費 (B) 缺乏 (C) 管理 (D)排放