


一、 Vocabulary and Phrases into Chinese(20 分)

1. Kidnapping 綁架

2. bail 保釋

3. arson 縱火

4. attempted crime 未遂犯罪

5. criminal fine 刑事罰金

6. corruption 貪污

7. endangering public safety 危害公共安全

8. drug trafficking 毒品交易

9. life sentence 無期徒刑

10. jailbird 囚犯

二、 Translation(30 分)

(一) My answer is clear. I want this United Kingdom to emerge from this period of change stronger, fairer, more united and more outward-looking than ever before. I want us to be a secure, prosperous, tolerant country – a magnet for international talent and a home to the pioneers and innovators who will shape the world ahead. I want us to be a truly Global Britain – the best friend and neighbor to our European partners, but a country that reaches beyond the borders of Europe too. A country that goes out into the world to build relationships with old friends and new allies alike.


(二) To protect our citizens, I have directed the Department of Justice to form a Task Force on Reducing Violent Crime. I have further ordered the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice, along with the Department of State and the Director of National Intelligence, to coordinate an aggressive strategy to dismantle the criminal cartels that have spread across our Nation. We will stop the drugs from pouring into our country and poisoning our youth-and we will expand treatment for those who have become so badly addicted.


三、 Cloze and Reading Comprehension(20 分)


1. ____(B)_____ is concerned with individual choices about right and wrong actions in a variety of contexts. Not all areas of our everyday conduct necessarily raise ethical questions but many do. In our personal lives we might face choices between being honest with our friends and not unduly upsetting them. Our professional lives may throw up a range of different moral 2. _____(C)____. Business people face conflicts between the goal of maximizing profits and satisfying customers. Doctors sometimes have to choose between maximizing the chances of a patient’s recovery and enabling them to make decisions about their treatment for themselves. The ethics of border security applies principles to questions about entry to national and supranational territory. Some of the principles are to do with the fair 3.____(A)_____ of citizenship and legitimate differences between decent treatment of citizens and non-citizens; other principles are to do with the special 4._____(C)____ of non-citizens if not granted entry; other principles again are to do with the treatment of illegal immigrants and the identification of traffickers and their victims. The ethics of border security should be contrasted with the law of border security, because ethics and law are distinct. Although laws are often consistent with ethical principles, there is no contradiction in the notion of an unjust or immoral law. Ethical standards can, for example, be used to criticize law. In a democracy, the law operates as a series of rules amended over time by 5. _____(C)____. Enforcement of the law resides with the government and its officials, but it is subject to the interpretation of legislation by an independent judicial system. Although law prohibits many actions which would clearly be immoral to perform, much immoral action is outside the scope of the law.


1.(A) Justice (B) Ethics (C) Righteousness (D) Appropriateness

(A)正義 (B)倫理 (C)正義 (D)合適

2.(A) hazards (B) obstacles (C) challenges (D) compass

(A)危險 (B)障礙 (C)挑戰 (D)羅盤,圓規

3.(A) privileges (B) treatments (C) status (D) opportunities

(A)基本權利 (B)對待 (C)狀態 (D)機會

4.(A) weaknesses (B) disadvantages (C) treatments (D) vulnerabilities

(A)弱點 (B)不利條件 (C)對待 (D)脆弱性

5.(A) citizens (B) stakeholders (C) parliamentarians (D) police

(A)公民 (B)利益相關者 (C)議會議員 (D)警察


Moving 6____(D)_____ to fulfill his campaign promise to get the nation’s illegal immigration problem under control, President Donald Trump signed two executive orders on Jan. 25 that constitute an almost complete 7____(D)____ of the Obama administration’s non-enforcement and open borders policy. From improving the physical barrier at our southern border to finally moving against sanctuary cities, these two executive orders put into effect a comprehensive program designed to secure our borders, implement interior enforcement, and reintegrate the assistance of state and local governments into federal efforts to enforce our immigration laws.

It has been a long time coming, but it seems to be finally happening: The federal government is actually enforcing our immigration laws. As the first order, “Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements,” correctly sets out in its preamble, “border security is critically important to the national security of the United States” and “aliens who illegally enter without inspection or admission present a significant 8____(C)____ to national security and public safety.”

The president orders the Department of Homeland Security to immediately take the following steps:

●Plan, design, and construct a physical wall, using appropriate materials and technology to most effectively achieve complete operational control of the southern border.

●End the “catch and release” policy of the Obama administration, which Border Patrol agents sarcastically referred to as “catch and run” that flooded the country with illegal aliens, as well as dramatically increase the capacity of 9___(C)____ facilities to handle this change and the number of immigration judges needed to handle alien cases.

● Return illegal aliens “to the territory from which they came pending a formal removal proceeding,” expedite determinations of apprehended aliens’ claims of eligibility to remain in the U.S., and make federal prosecutions of immigration offenses “with a nexus to the southern border” a priority.

● Hire an additional 5,000 Border Patrol agents.

● Bring state and local law enforcement agencies back into immigration enforcement to get their assistance in the “investigation, apprehension, or detention of aliens,” including through the 287(g) program, something the Obama administration did everything it could to end.

● Stop the “abuse of parole and asylum provisions currently used to prevent the lawful removal of removable aliens” by doing what the Obama administration refused to do: Apply the plain language of the provisions in immigration law that set out strict standards for 10____(D)____ and parole.

● Authorize immigration agents and even state officials who are helping federal authorities to enter all federal lands in pursuit of illegal aliens– again something that the Obama Interior Department refused to allow in areas where national parks and other lands were along our borders.









● 將“假釋條件和庇護所條款的濫用情況,且目前已用來防止法定的放逐程序,且這些人口本來就該被放逐。”的現象廢止掉,方法是將歐巴馬時代拒絕實施的法令,都貫徹實行。用淺顯易懂的語言,寫下移民相關法律的條款,且這種法律對於10_______和假釋的實施情況,已實行嚴格標準。

● 總統已賦予權利,給負責移民方面的執法人員,乃至州級官員。他們努力幫助聯邦政府當局進入所有聯邦土地,目的是為了追緝非法外來人口,同樣是歐巴馬時代內政部門一度拒絕的法令,那時候的目的曾是為了允許國家公園和其餘土地,都能沿著國境建造出來。

6. (A) swiftly (B) slowly (C) unexpectedly (D) expectedly

(A)快速的 (B)緩慢的 (C)始料未及的 (D)在預料當中

7. (A) different (B) parallel (C) up-side-down (D) reversal

(A)不同的 (B)平行線 (C)上下顛倒 (D)反向

8. (A) strength (B) risk (C) threat (D) opportunity

(A)力量 (B)風險 (C)威脅 (D)機會

9. (A) control (B) detention (C) prison (D) apprehension

(A)控制 (B)拘留 (C)監獄 (D)逮捕

10. (A) protection (B) asylum (C) anti-trafficking (D) probation

(A)保護 (B)庇護所 (C)反販運 (D)緩刑

四、 Essay(30 分) Write an essay on the topic: How Smart Border facilities help Border Police to maximize border security around the world


With the rampant activities against the law are frequently happening in every corner of the world, border facilities must strictly conduct the border police by taking some powerful measures. There are some misdeeds such as human trafficking, terrorist invasion, and drug smuggling. To prevent decent people from becoming potential victims, the border facilities are responsible for filtering the coming crowed of immigrants, which means a chance for vicious gangsters would sneak in.

There were some moments when the process patrolling became lax. For example, in 2021, there were some youngsters who were enticed to seek some high-paid jobs in Cambodia. When they found everything related to the job should become scams, it was too late. A majority of them were tortured, injured, even killed. Such a tragedy was a result when the border facility in Cambodia failed to inspect anyone suspicious. Fortunately, thanks to the cooperation of border facility of Taiwan, FBI of the U.S. and Thailand police, some of the lucky youngsters were secured back to Taiwan. It was the border facility’s effectual process of contacting some trustworthy police scattering in related corners in Taiwan, Thailand, Cambodia, and so on. Based on this result, we could learn more about some major functions how the border facility united and assisted the border police. Most importantly, the united police from more than one nation could thwart such a notorious crime, without any barriers of language communications! Therefore, proficiency of some foreign languages is also another prerequisite if the border facility needs to hire more professional and competent new members.

