


一、中譯英:(10 分) 消防署表示,基於維護消防員執勤安全,規劃要求使用化學品的工廠在災害發 生時,需主動提供相關數量及儲存資訊,以利救災。

The National Fire Agency stated that in light of the security of firefighters on duty, it plans to demand plants using chemicals to provide the relevant quantities and information on storage actively. By doing this, The National Fire Agency would make rescuing actions easier when a disaster occurs. (happens.)

二、英文作文:(15 分) 近年來在國際間所發生的火災當中,有那一起讓你印象最深刻?請闡述這起火 災發生的時間與地點、起火原因、救災過程及善後處理,並說明此起火災可供 臺灣警消工作借鏡之處。

Different sizes of fire accidents happen in every corner of our world. In 2019, one of the disastrous fire accidents just happened in Australia. That is a forest fire.

As the global warning keeps influencing the climate in Australia and made the land arid, a flash of lightning just ignited this disaster, causing the vast area of forest to be burnt. With millions of wildlife that perished and thousands of residents that evacuated, thousands of firemen began to dedicate themselves to fight the conflagration. However, the entire area was too vast to be controlled appropriately, even the military troops aided the process of putting out the conflagration. On top of that, by piloting planes, aviators also tried their best to control the spreading flames after storing thousands liters of water in the planes. When they wished to settle this disaster as quick as possible, they chose helicopters. With the traits enabling helicopters to freely lower the altitude, more pilots chose helicopters equipped with higher precision and water pressure. In the meantime, excavators were used to dig the earth to create an array of trenches. The purpose is to slow down the pace of spreading fire. Fortunately, the efficiency of the result seemed to work well.

For fire departments in Taiwan, staff may learn such a precious lesson. Besides, our island is covered with numerous hills and forests, where forest fires also occur in. Maybe one of a feasible resolution is to put out the fires by helicopters, whose pilots are skilled veterans. And another way is to cooperate with the military. If there is a good collaboration between troops and firemen, they would undoubtedly minimize the damage in the forests brought from the conflagration.

41 ___(A)___many fire fighters working over-time frequently, how to reduce working hours becomes a big issue.

(A) In view of

(B) In spite of

(C) In case of

(D) In place of






42 ___(A)___other hazardous materials, lighters and matches should be kept out of children’s reach.

(A) As

(B) If

(C) Even

(D) To






43 If a firefighter enters the fire scene without any consideration, he might be ___(B)___in a room filled with dangers.

(A) detected

(B) trapped

(C) identified

(D) investigated






44 AED can save a person’s life when he/she is having a heart attack. AED’s D stands for ___(C)____.

(A) distributer

(B) decontaminator

(C) defibrillator

(D) destroyer






45 ___(D)___check your personal equipment before entering any building in the fire scene.

(A) Be reduced to

(B) Be captured to

(C) Be defined to

(D) Be sure to



(B)(無此用法) capture: 捕捉

(C)(無此用法) define: 下定義


46 ___(D)___the emergency medical services from fire units, the gas explosion in Kaohsiung might be much more serious.

(A) Now that

(B) In light of

(C) In addition to

(D) But for






47 ___(A)___should any fireman get into a fire scene all alone, because teamwork is the basic requirement in fire-fighting.

(A) On no account

(B) On account of

(C) In addition to

(D) In case that


(A) 絕不能

(B) 由於

(C) 除……此外

(D) 如果

48 Fire prevention supervisors are ___(B)__the fire protection plan.

(A)on charge of

(B)in charge of

(C)on the charge of

(D)in the change of



(B) 負責



49 ___(B)___in a room has been interpreted as thermal instability caused by the heat generation rate increasing faster with temperature than the rate of aggregated heat losses.

(A) Boil-over

(B) Flashover

(C) Ventilation-controlled

(D) Fuel-controlled






50 ___(D)___reduce the casualties of residential fire, houses should install residential fire alarm detectors.

(A) In addition to

(B) Be supposed to

(C) Be used to

(D) In order to






51 There is no ___(B)___that brave firemen play very important roles in our life, and they always rescue the injured from fire scenes regardless of personal safety.

(A) reason

(B) doubt

(C) basis

(D) instance






52 A fuel-controlled fire can also be described as ___(D)___.

(A) under-ventilated

(B) oxygen-lean

(C) carbon-lean well

(D) ventilated






53 If someone opens a door just before self-extinguishment is achieved, the entire room may turn into flames with fresh air flowing into the hot fire source and mixing with the unburned fuel volatiles. This phenomenon is known as ___(A)___.

(A) Backdraught

(B) Smoldering

(C) Flamming

(D) Fuel-controlled


(A) 回燃(爆燃)

(B) 悶燒

(C) 燃燒的

(D) 燃料控制的

54 After a flashover has occurred in a compartment, the___(D)___ will develop to produce temperatures of 900–1100 o C.

(A) temperature

(B) density

(C) specific heat capacity

(D) heat release rate


(A) 溫度

(B) 秘密

(C) 特定高溫容積

(D) 火災熱釋放速率

55 No access to a fire scene is___(D)___ to anyone without prior approval from fire scene investigators.

(A) admired

(B) adored

(C) adopted

(D) allowed


(A) 被敬仰

(B) 被喜愛

(C) 被收養,被接納

(D) (被允)許

請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題:

The Roman emperor Augustus is credited with instituting a corps of fire-fighting watchmen in 24 BC. In that era most cities had watchmen who ____56(B)_____ an alarm at signs of fire. The principal piece of fire-fighting equipment in ancient Rome and into early modern times was the bucket, _____57(C)_____from hand to hand to deliver water to the fire. Another important fire-fighting tool was the ax, used to remove the fuel and prevent the ____58(C)_____of fire as well as to make openings that would allow heat and smoke to escape a burning building. In major blazes long hooks with ropes were used to _____59(A)______ buildings. When explosives were available, they would be used for this same purpose. The first modern standards for the operation of a fire department were not established until 1830, in Edinburgh, Scotland. These standards explained, for the first time, what was expected _____60(B)______ a good fire department.

人們相信羅馬皇帝奥古斯丁,早在公元前24年就創立了一支專門滅火的巡夜部隊,在那年代的多數城市都有巡夜人員,若發現任何火災跡象時,都會負責56_________警報。在古羅馬,最主要的滅火工具是水桶,還延續至近現代。 那時還必須57________一人一手________下去直至火場。另一個重要的滅火工具是斧頭,主要用來除去燃料,阻止火勢58________,劈開裂口使得高溫和煙霧能夠在燃燒建築物當中散發出去。在較大火災中,有繩子綁著的鉤子可用來59________房屋。若身邊有可用的爆炸工具,也適用於這些用途。而為了對付火災,因而在最近出現的現代化操作標準,直到1830年才制定出來。在愛丁堡,蘇格蘭的這些標準說明了,最初人們如何60________一個合格火災機構,呈現出該有的樣子。


(A) sent off

(B) sounded

(C) rang

(D) went of

(A) 送行

(B) 響起

(C) 按鈴

(D) 走開


(A) to pass

(B) pass

(C) passed

(D) passing

(A)以傳遞 (不定詞)

(B)傳遞 (主動)

(C) 被傳遞 (被動)

(D)傳遞著 (進行式)


(A) span

(B) extent

(C) spread

(D) range

(A) 跨越

(B) 程度

(C) 蔓延

(D) 射程


(A) pull down

(B) pull out

(C) pull in

(D) pull off

(A) 拆除

(B) 拔出

(C) 拉進

(D) 拔下來

(A) from

(B) of

(C) in

(D) at

(A) 期待……的事物

(B) 期待

(C) (無此用法)

(D) (無此用法)

