


26 Taipei Fire Chief Mr. Chen said on Monday that a ____(C)___of people were missing in the fire.

(A) hand (B) handed(C) handful (D)handle


(A)手 (B)交給(過去式) (C)少數 (D)處理

27 The building had recently been inspected, but it seemed that the ____(C)___system was not working when the fire broke out.

(A) immune (B) circulatory(C) sprinkler (D)navigation


(A)免疫 (B)循環系統的 (C)灑水器 (D)導航


28 One of the duties of a fire control officer is to monitor emergency calls and take command of the ____(A)___of all resources.

(A) dispatch (B) expense(C) purchase (D)solution


(A)發送 (B)花費 (C)購買 (D)解決方法

29 Firefighters should particularly bear in mind that radio signal ____(C)___in some types of buildings can be limited.

(A) intrusion (B) decoding(C) penetration (D)relocation


(A)入侵 (B)解碼 (C)穿透 (D)重新安置

30 Paramedics are always first at the scene to ____(A)___life-saving procedures, such as to supply splints to limbs, to dress wounds, and to set up drips.

(A) administer (B) attach(C) institute (D)produce


(A)管理 (B)附上 (C)學院 (D)產生

31 Defining the fire ___(C)____in a tunnel generally involves a high level of uncertainty due to variation in fuel, ventilation, and tunnel geometry.

(A) anticipation (B) decision(C) scenario (D)work


(A)期待 (B)決心 (C)場景 (D)作品

32 It is advisable that we evaluate electrochemical or optical sensors, placed in the cooktop exhaust ____(D)___, for use in predicting and preventing cooktop ignition.

(A) ceiling (B) hole(C) escape (D)duct


(A)天花板 (B)洞 (C)逃離 (D)管線

33 Most fire service staff will be familiar with the type of ___(D)___used for monitoring premises for security purposes, either in shops, car parks, or remote fire stations.



(A)虛擬私人網絡 (B)區域網絡 (C)全球導航系統 (D)閉路電視

34 By keeping doors and windows closed, it is possible for a fire to become ____(D)___of oxygen and self-extinguish as a result, if the enclosure in which fire occurs is relatively small.

(A) away (B) gone(C) displaced (D)starved


(A)向另一邊 (B)消失 (C)置換 (D)缺乏

35 Almost every ____(B)___training program would involve the drill to find the lost, injured or trapped firefighter, work through the problem, and remove the firefighter from harm.

(A) infernal (B) mayday(C) temporary (D)doomsday


(A)地獄般的 (B)求救 (C)暫時 (D)世界末日

36 An ____(A)___ladder truck is a motor vehicle equipped with a tower ladder, which is used to fight a fire from above.

(A) aerial (B) elongated(C) extravagant (D)oversized


(A)空中 (B)拉長的 (C)揮霍的 (D)過大的

Aerial ladder為固定用法,意思是“雲梯”。

37 The firefighter at the ____(C)___should be able to communicate by radio with the pump operator to provide feedback about water flow.

(A) apparatus (B) hatchet(C) nozzle (D)phone


(A)儀器 (B)小斧頭 (C)噴嘴 (D)電話

38 A defibrillator is a device that releases a brief but powerful electric charge to restore normal heart rhythm after cardiac ____(A)___.

(A) arrest (B) blockade(C) hindrance (D)impediment


(A)驟停 (B)封鎖 (C)障礙物 (D)阻礙

39 Research has clearly identified the effects of rising temperature on “fuel aridity”—or the ____(A)___of the vegetation—as the primary pathway by which global warming has been influencing wildfire risk.

(A) dryness (B) influence(C) lack (D)richness


(A)乾燥 (B)影響 (C)缺乏 (D)富裕

40 If part of a fire-resisting enclosure, required by the regulations at the time of construction, were illegally removed by an occupier as part of an ____(D)___, he or she would be guilty of an offence.

(A) undertaking (B) exception(C) employment (D)alteration


(A)實行 (B)例外 (C)就業 (D)改造

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:

Except in very rare cases, for instance whilst the ship is en voyage, it would be, in case of fire, a sound axiom 41___(B)___never to use sea water unless absolutely forced to do so. There are many circumstances in which sea water has a secondary effect. In the 42 ___(C)___spaces, for example, there would be an irreversible damage done to the steelwork and copper fitments. Sea water is very slow drying and leaves a residue which has a 43 __(B)____ action. Since metal is microscopically porous, it will be understood that mere wiping down will not completely remove the effect. In addition, acids have a definite 44 ___(B)___to any form of water. The accepted rule is: never add water to acid. The action of water in contact with the acid is to 45 ___(D)____heat. If sea water is used, there will be a production of even more choking fume.

除了極少數情況下,像是船在進行航行時,如果發生火災,絕不要使用海水,除非在絕對被迫的狀況下,這是一條合理的41________。在多數情況下,海水會產生次要影響。例如在42_______空間中,將會對鋼結構以及銅配件造成損害,且是不可逆的影響。海水乾燥非常緩慢,留下的殘留物將帶來43 ________的作用。從微觀角度來看,金屬屬於多孔的物品。因此我們能夠容易理解到:若是僅僅擦拭的話,是不能完全消除這種影響的。再來,酸對任何形式的水都有明確的44________。較能夠接受的法則是:絕不讓水碰觸酸。若是讓水和酸進行接觸的話,就會45_______熱,如果你使用海水,就會產生足以讓人窒息的廢氣。

41 (A) echo (B) axiom(C) detection (D)navigation

(A)回音 (B)公理 (C)探測 (D)導航

42 (A) cargo (B) cooling(C) machinery (D)passenger

(A)貨物 (B)冷卻 (C)機械裝置 (D)乘客

43 (A) conducive (B) corrosive(C) inflammable (D)seductive

(A)有助於 (B)腐蝕性的 (C)不可燃的 (C)誘人的

44 (A) insulation (B) reaction(C) resistance (D)subjection

(A)絕緣 (B)反應 (C)抵抗 (D)屈服

45 (A) renounce (B) confuse(C) deter (D)generate

(A)聲明放棄 (B)困惑 (C)阻撓 (D)產生

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:

Civil 46 __(A)____for loss or injury as a result of fire can arise in certain circumstances. The increasing awareness of the potential for 47____(C)___is likely to ensure that claims against occupiers or owners of property involved in fire will continue to arise. In a particularly important case, a firefighter successfully sued a householder for his injuries, 48 ____(D)___while fighting a fire. The fire started due to the 49 ___(D)____of the householder while undertaking work in the premises. Likewise, if a fire starts or spreads due to the presence of dangerous 50 ___(B)____, rather than by accident, prosecution will ensue.


46 (A) liability (B) disclosure(C) takeover (D)enclosure.

(A)責任 (B)披露 (C)接管 (D)圍場

47 (A) combustion (B) ignition(C) litigation (D)procrastination

(A)燃燒 (B)著火 (C)訴訟(D)拖延

48 (A) found (B) healed(C) incurred (D)revealed

(A)找到 (B)治癒 (C)招致(D)透露

49 (A) insight (B) perfection(C) suggestion (D)negligence

(A)洞察力 (B)完美 (C)建議 (D)疏忽

50 (A) effects (B) substances(C) thoughts (D)guards

(A)效果 (B)物質 (C)思想 (D)守衛

