



在著手開始他們的任務之前,消防警察得宣誓他們會憑藉他們的最佳能力,公正無 私而且忠實地履行責任,方能取得資格。

Before initiating their tasks, firefighters have to swear an oath that with their optimal capacities, they would carry out their responsibilities fairly, selflessly, and loyally so that they would gain the qualifications.

二、英文作文:(15 分) 你受邀到臺北美國學校,跟(小學)低年級的小朋友宣導防災的重要性。請說明你 如何設計此次演講活動,方能夠引起學童的興趣和關注,達到宣導的效果。


It’s indeed an honor for firemen to be invited to a campus of a primary school. Due to the average of pupils whose ages are under eight years old, the language of firemen shouldn’t be strict and complex, but appealing and simple.

To make this event of announcement impressive to children, firemen had better design some interesting procedures in an activity. For instance, firemen may let the pupils experience the usage of lighter distinguishers. By showing the pupils the jeopardy of spreading flames, the children would be more aggressive to manipulate smaller extinguishers. After this activity, a team leader would deliver a speech, showing some common sources where fires may appear. Next, it’s time to urge the significance of noticing fires. For example, kitchens at their home would be a possible source where fire accidents might occur. The addresser may encourage the pupils to spread some secure notions to their families so that they would know how to put out fires when a fire accident happens, especially when their mothers use the gas before cooking and when their fathers light a cigarette.

The next concept is to escape heavy smokes, which are lethal. During the speech, the addressee may bring some interesting games of labyrinths which might intrigue pupils’ interest to experience the contents. It’s also important to instill the knowledge to them when the addressee is explaining the toxicity of heavy smokes. In the small activity, children should be told to escape such a threat until finding a relatively safe exit. And finally, they would wait for the coming of firemen to put out both the flame and heavy smoke once they reach the goal.

With the above arrangements, child would learn lots of meaningful concepts about protecting their families and themselves. After they grow up, they wouldn’t be at a loss under such critical circumstances.

41 The destructive fire was ____(A)____ by cheap fireworks meant for outdoor use.

(A) arisen (B)brought (C) caused (D) attributed


(A)形成,上升 (B)帶來 (C)造成 (D)歸因於

42 If the patient keeps bleeding, apply direct ____(B)____to the wound by pressing with a piece of sterile gauze. Cover the patient with a blanket and try to keep him warm.

(A) pleasure (B)pressure (C) oppression (D) supplication

病患若是不斷流血,要將一片無菌紗布,直接對著病患的傷口_________, 再用一片毛毯裹住病患的身體,作好保暖工作。

(A)樂趣 (B)壓力 (C)塗抹 (D)供應

43 The fire was so fierce that it took several hours to ____(B)____.

(A) turn it on (B)put it out (C) take it off (D) turn it off


(A)開啟 (B)熄滅 (C)脫掉 (D)關掉

44 At schools, ___(D)____measures such as fire drills ensure the safety of students in the event of an emergency.

(A) crispy (B)religious (C) spectacular (D) precautionary


(A)脆的 (B)宗教的 (C)壯觀的 (D)預先警戒的

45 When local governments of the city ____(A)___a tsunami warning, assume that a series of dangerous waves is on the way. Stay away from the beach.

(A) issue (B)appear (C) relieve (D) spread


(A)發佈 (B)出現 (C)減輕 (D)散佈

46 Ladders used in the fire service have many pieces and parts. Which part is not part of a fire service ladder? (B)

(A) Rope (B)Ream (C) Pulley (D) Halyard


(A)繩子 (B)大量的紙(令) (C)滑輪 (D)吊索

47 Which of the following choices is not a factor when assessing a fire emergency? (C)

(A) Occupants of building (B)Type of building material

(C) What fire codes were violated (D) Which direction the wind is blowing.


(A)大樓住戶 (B)大樓材質類型 (C)人們違反哪項火災法規 (D)風朝著哪個方位吹

48 Which action should a fire crew not take when responding to a natural gas leak? (A)

(A) Turn electric lights on or off. (B)Evacuate the building’s occupants.

(C) Attempt to trace the source of the leak.

(D) Open windows and doors for ventilation.


(A)開啟或關閉電燈 (B)疏散大樓住戶 (C)設法追溯外泄來源 (D)開啟門和窗戶以便通風

49 There is a fire in a multi-room building. You have been instructed to help stop the spread of the fire. What should you do? (D)

(A) Break all of the windows.

(B)Open all of the windows.

(C) Soak down the adjoining rooms or suites.

(D) Close the doors between rooms or suites.


(A)打破所有窗戶 (B)開啟所有窗戶



50 In which of the following circumstances is it okay to stretch a hoseline without taking care to not block a rescue attempt? (D)

(A) This is never acceptable.

(B)Once the fire has been put out and salvage operations are underway.

(C) It can be done if the hoseline is used to spray nearby structures to keep the fire from spreading.

(D) When the hoseline provides a water stream that facilitates a rescue.





(D) 用水帶線造出一道溪流,以促成救援工作之進行。

51 A common and relatively safe rescue breathing method used today by firefighters is known as ___(C)____.

(A) mouth-to-nose resuscitation (B)mouth-to-mouth resuscitation

(C) mouth-to-mask ventilation (D) mouth-to-mouth ventilation


(A)嘴對鼻人工呼吸 (B)口對口人工呼吸 (C)口罩面罩換氣


52 The narrow surrounding passages made ____(A)____difficult for the fire services to arrive quickly, so brave neighbors climbed into the residential house to rescue the old couple before fire engines arrived.

(A) access (B)regress (C) excess (D) excursion


(A)進入 (B)回歸 (C)超越 (D)遠足

53 All youngsters were trapped inside because the night exits club had metal grilles on the windows and no fire exits ___(B)____.

(A) vulnerable (B)available (C) capable (D) valuable


(A)易遭受傷害的 (B)可用的 (C)有能力的 (D)有價值的

54 The hospital owner asked the local building authority for permission in 2015 to expand the parking lot, but he modified the space to serve as outpatient units, which was in ____(D)____of the Building Control Act 1984.

(A) reconciliation (B)arbitration (C) amendment (D) violation


(A)和解 (B)裁決 (C)修正 (D)違反


55 Confining the fire can be a quick and simple procedure ____(B)____ saving occupant evacuation time and in locating the fire when fire strikes.

(A) logging in (B)resulting in (C) majoring in (D) booking in


(A)註冊登入 (B)促成的結果是……(C)主修 (D)登記入住

56 A balcony can be used as an emergency access for firefighters once fire occurs. It can also be used as another ___(C)____exit for residents.

(A) duplicated (B)complicated (C) alternative (D) competitive


(A)複製的 (B)複雜的 (C)可替代的 (D)競爭的

57 Nursing homes and elderly care facilities in the jurisdiction area have considerable life risks to occupants because of the large numbers, the difficulty of movement, and the ____(D)____ to evacuate the residents vertically in the building.

(A) accessibility (B)portability (C) capability (D) inability


(A)容易到達 (B) 可隨身攜帶 (C)本事 (D)無力實施


58 Firefighters on civilian ____(A)___ battled to rescue survivors who were trapped under debris after an earthquake.

(A) crane lifts (B)weight lifts (C) gymnastics lifts (D) sport lifts


(A)起重升降機 (B)舉重 (C)體操舉重 (D)運動用舉重

59 Some bodies were so charred that officials were having trouble making ____(B)___and planned to use DNA samples and other methods.

(A) meditation (B)identification (C) certification (D) validation


(A)藥物 (B)辨識 (C)檢定 (D)正當性

60 The dust explosion in Taiwan Formosa Water Park caused many youngsters to inhale the flammable powder, and to raise the on-site Emergency Medical Services’s concerns that it could have damaged their ___(C)____tract and internal organs.

(A) digestive (B)conservative (C) respiratory (D) obligatory


(A)消化的 (B)保守的 (C)呼吸的 (D)義務的

